Thursday, June 16, 2011

Doubt, Lord Please

When it is all said and done,

will anybody know how hard it was?

Doubt it.

I am living it and I can't believe it.

I chose this life, for my lessons

so I can either learn well or

gloriously fail.

I can no longer chant and defy

life, throwing my gauntlet

pretending it will not break me.
Cause more than one life is up for the

taking and there is sacrifice in the

making in order to be free.

Lord please.


  1. Absolutely beautiful and real. Praying for ya and with ya, pardner!
    Love Blessings and Grace, Susan

  2. Thank you Susan. I have never, not once, felt that you were not with me in prayer or as a pardner! Love you gracefully.

    Sweetie - peace coming from you is like a fast pitched baseball from Nolan Ryan. I'm not quite sure I can catch it but I will sacrifice my body to keep a runner from taking it from me.


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